Thursday, March 13, 2008

from now on, here:

Monday, March 10, 2008

New blog in the making.

In regards to accumulating problems with blogger,(such as now only sporadicly being able to upload pictures) I've given up; my patience has been stretched to a nausiating extent and run out. The process of creating and moving have already been established, but my main problem are right now time.
I'll let you know when the next blog will be up and running. -Hopefully within a couple of days.


Electricity and Transduction:
Physical computing with Tom Igoe :: sensors by physical action.

Emitter Detector > registrating the physical shape /sensing and change in

Voltage >the electric energy
Resistance >how much room you have to come across
Current >flow

the range of possible values in analog resistors is in theory unlimited, but if a person cant recive a difference then there aren't really any..

Giving meaningful response ::
Getting response in a matter that mimics the reaction of animals or other familiar interactive objects can enable the understanding and trust of an action.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interaction of transactions

How should transactions be designed to take advantage of the change in interface?

1. The speed of transaction with the ability to simply touch a payment terminal with a mobile phone.
2. The ability to enter a pin number on one’s own device instead of using a terminal. With the ability to change the security level to suit individual requirements this should allow payment interactions to work more efficiently and to be more secure.
3. The ability to process more customers.

What kinds of interfaces would be ideal for transactions and how might they be implemented on the mobile phone? How might we add valuable new interactions, services or information into the transaction process that makes it more useful than simple payments? Might there be other significant downsides as we expose our phone for every transaction? What about keeping a phone concealed for safety or the perceived risk of disclosing personal data by touching un-trusted objects?

In collaboration with Alice Andreoli, I’ve studyed these emerging interactions, and looked upon how they can be implemented or designed around daily infrastructures, as we both want to look into how to design specific services with ideal use of “payment objects”

We want to look closer into relations between control/knowledge, visibility and trust.
We think the success of NFC depends on the usability of mobile payments and ticketing and wether or not the design of this experience is good /plesant /trustworthy.
What will provide the new payment history? How will we trust future systems? How might we as users act upon new opportunities in interactions of transactions?

I feel we need to find out more regarding trust and technological innovation and adoption. I want to look more into the intersections of technology, spaces and access / payment-culture.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ohm, sweet ohm! (project-survival-guidelines)

Designing interaction in the physical world (TUI)

1. focus on experience prototypes (design delays/milliseconds/etc. or design around it.)
2. the wow-effect! evidencing the parts that will be the the front-end/users touch-points. (making them understand!)

Tools: processing and adurino. (Details and constraints, hacking and shortcuts.)
Sketching in hardware.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Above: Kids-tickets to place on jacket/key-chain/etc. to enhance easy access.

This is some of the visual profile for the ticketing system for Ruter AS, (which is nearby all of the short-distance transport services umbrella-organisation here in Oslo.) We've called the sub-service/ticket-system "svipp" as in "svipp-tur" (Norwegian for a short, quick drop-of, in relation to transporting people.) We're basically working with a RFID travel-card you can top up as you need, designing the interaction of both normal-users and ticket-controllers. 

Simple refill-rfid "flexi-card" topping up by mobile-phone: sms your code, followed by wanted amount of  value to 2008, and you're ready to go!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Effekten av følelser og design :: Helge Tennø

Kunden kundeopplevelsen og motivasjon.

Lite utfordringer i form av brukervennlighet og høy erskel for nyskapning.
Med bredbånd har ljslsfj okkupasjonstenking


førsteintrykket fester seg og farger din oppfatning av merkevaren.
50 millisec. avgjør.

the haloeffect, man blir heletiden eksoponert for nye ting og reagerer uten å tenke. 
snap desicion - argumentation. hjernen vil prøve å ignorere motbevisende elementer.
We pretend that what we do are rational and 

Godt førsteintrykk:
Estetikk: clean plesant & symmetric.

Hjernen isolerer ut elementer den liker fra grensesnittet for en foretrukket opplevelse.
(god design. no design has ever been executed by a large committee.)
Til mer business til mer tekst! men tekst ser alltid likt ut.. ingen visuell diferensiering.
Folk finner frem! navigasjon styrt av persepsjon og ikke serverhastighet. Gitte Lingaard

Connect through emotions..
 overføring av verdier i reklame.  >emotional guidingfactors is nessesary to make desicions.
Nokia livsstil  "alle de fantastiske muligheterne..!"
Trigge til å ønske å kjøpe! (Norske mobilselgere på nett selger ikke produkter!)
"Design s the only thing that differentiates one product from another."
"Love is overestimating the difference from one woman til another"

Storyteling; Creating needs from wants
(Skapt glede vs naturlig glede.)
WE SELL DREAMS -furniture at Domain. -Judy George.
...slik kunden kommer til oss og VIL tro.
"You must go beond useability. It is'nt simply removing obstacles but creating the desire that drives action."

Nettbutikk som et middel for å skaffe seg mobiltelefon?
Skaper frastjelt tid merverdi? : oppleves greit for kunden! 
"How well he spoke".. vs. "Let's march!"
"Brukeren/kunden er en ape. ..du skal legge ut bananer. :the New Escalade"
"Mindre valg er bedre. for mange valg lammer brukeren og virker forvirrende."
