Saturday, September 8, 2007

notes from Underskog/lecture with Even

Underskog (/the undergrowth) is a web based usermoderated callender over events and likable stuff in general. Its infamous in Norway as one of the first social networking services and only opens by personal invite from someone who already use it. It was designed by Alex, Simen and Even for about 100-300 people and was supposed to be between friends and their friends friends,but has now grown above 10 000 users, still though between friends and their friends and so on.
Underskog is great for telling/getting to know where and when anything is at. -Is anyone I know going?/What does it cost?/Who recomend  the event and so on. 

The fact that Underskog is built as the eternal "dugnad" with no advertising, no business model and no expectations seems to have engaged a sort of intimate scene where everyone behaves rather nice. It could also be that you´re in there with your full name and the name of whom invited you, and youre sort of responsible  if you make a mess..  You tend to trust the people in there, due to the social pressure, and there´s no need for a fascist dictator/moderator.
