Tuesday, October 23, 2007

day 2 of producing 8 sec. for nrk.

Sickest thing I ever saw.    Why, oh why.. 
Look at how sleek and shiny and small it is.  Almost invisible! Very discreet.
It is also super-fancy, with as many as overseemingly possible buttons, but still amazingly few functions. And the users-manual seems to be missing. Doh.
Luckily, I'm having less problems with what it's gonna help me produce.


bareknut said...

I call cheat.. eller er du ditt eget speilbilde? Uansett kult bilde :D

ingrid said...

Takk, bidet er fra photobooth. how is that cheating? Skulle opprinnelig bare vise Eva hvor mongo-stort det var og kastet det likegreit inn i bloggen etterpå.
