Due to my background in industrial design I´m currently combining my pursuit of a master in interaction design with a course in computational analysis and simulations by Steinar Killi at AHO.
1. "Simulation is the process of representing the dynamic behaviour of one system by the behaviour of an other system. " The Encyclopedia of Computer Science.
2. "Simulation is an analysis and planing tool that captures real world system variability and system-event interactions through time." www.simulationdynamics.com
Variations of simulations vary by the type of question to be answered. (Ex product/arcitecture: Renderings provide information of surfaces exposed to light == amount of shadow from the structure/self-shadow/light let through/possible heat-expansion/-contraction etc. )
(Physical simulation could be just measuring how much a pice of al. can take before it deforms)
The focus of this course will mostly be directed at material technology; computer aided manufacturing, element analyses, and end in a rapid prototyping project.