Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Harald Sodemann :: Simulation. (notes)

A modelling framework

Make predictions from data.
EX: The relation between Coke and obesity. (Sugar=fat, due to human metabolism) (Weight *liters of Coke)

Real World > process > Abstraction model > modifying parameters > Simulation > data > compare/validate with the real world.

Abstract: Hypothesize  & Reduction. 
Take the real world apart (to the smallest components) and rebuild it.
Implementation: Feasability & Emphesize 
Descriptive / Physical model.
The application will determin the result of your prediction, safety, education, testing, and so on.

Sience > Politics > Engineering.
Conceptual Models; population growth > oil resources > social dynamics in solidarity networks (cooperative behaviour)

Interactions between different models and processes to understand  the whole.
EX: boxes from wether forecast : stratosphere to deep-sea level. (compare data to simulation)
