Monday, October 1, 2007

Synne Skjulstad :: Research in practice (notes)

How research in practice might work. Concepts:
usability, experience, thoughtful interaction-design and communication-design.

Jacob Nielsen´s view of useability:
"The functionalists meaning of useability / "quality of use", often counts out all that is not purely functional to a product." (the artistic ideal of expressing yourself or the ability to preform tasks the most efficiently and soling a problem for the customer.) Is the highest goal of useability just to solve the consumers specific problem?  Useful for whom?
What are providing experiences?
Art as experience and acting with technology. (Mc Carthy & Wright)
Lövgren og Stolterman : introduce a design perspective on the creation and shaping of digital artefacts.  (Pliability.)
What is it that gives the experience? How is a digital artefact designed so as to communicate something? (relocates focus from experience to artefact)
The holistic view sees interaction as integral to designing artefacts for mediated communication. 
*Communicate as a whole. **Useability is not normative.

Branding as creating a image of yourself / your client. What image do you want the user to percive?
(Where do you stand? What do you focus on? 
How it works? How it communicates? What experience is given by the product?(and why?)
How was the artefact shaped to give the experience?)

Dare to disagree with influential theorists.. (use as starting-point.))
And acknowledge work others have done before you: Distinguish your own work!

Digital narratives :: Telling stories (notes)

From hypertext theory to information of Kontiki-museum on cd-rom. What s the purpose of the story?

Stories that have not been told.
Who´s telling the story, from what side
Rights ; who own the story, the pictures, etc.
Kontiki; the story of the journey.   The facts and the fiction, (influenced by film, etc.)
the time of the story,the space of reading, meaning-making by the users /readers.
Users commenting text. (stand alone-text.)
What motivates the user? (detektive-story)  
::Scitzofrenic teacher;you need to pussle the story together. (He does not know the story.) "Gallery of guilt", links. The story bout the story.. 

"Narra-hand" : Collaborative narrative; produce a peoples idntity in a new place, points of intrest from charakters: me the author = me the pupeter. The storys map in the physical world.
